55 y/o M with b/l pedal edema and facial puffiness

55 y/o male with b/l pedal edema and SOB 

Manvi Sharma 

Roll no 88 

Batch of 2018 

Date - 11-3-22

"This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box."

Chief complaints - 

B/l pedal edema since 3 months 

SOB grade 3-4 since 1 month 

History of presenting illness - 

The patient was absolutely alright 11 yrs back when he had an episode of blood in vomitting(?varices) for which he went to the hospital and was given medication which he used for about 1 year. At the  same time he was diagnosed to have type 2 DM for which he has been taking oral hypoglycemic agents since then. 

From 3 months he complains of b/l pitting edema below knee level. He went to the local hospital where they ran some tests and he was diagnosed to have renal failure for which he received medications. There is complaint of SOB grade 3 since 1 month which is more after consuming food.

Today at about 3 in the morning he had an episode of vomiting - non-projectile, non-bilious and consisting of food contents. The night before he ate and slept with a distended abdomen and heart burn like sensation. Thereby he came to our hospital. 

B/l pedal edema +

SOB grade 3 + aggravates on eating food 

Facial puffiness + 

There is also complaints of blurring of vision from 4 to 5 days and numbness of tongue so that his speech is slightly slurred. 

No h/o orthopnea, PND, reduced urine output, chest pain, palpitations, syncopal attacks, cough and fever. 

Polyuria and nocturia seen 

H/o hypertension since 1 month for which he is taking regular medications 

Past history - 

K/c/o type 2 DM since 11 yrs and HTN since 1month

Personal history- 

Loss of appetite since 10 to 15 days 

Diet - mixed 

H/o consumption of meat every single day but stopped eating it since 2 months 

Bowel & bladder movements - nocturia present(4 to 5 times/night) 

Sleep - decreased 

Addictions - consumes alcohol everyday but stopped since 2 months, smoke cigarettes about 2/day 

About 2 yrs back the patient used to go to work each day i.e he was into catering business but now he just stays at home or sits outside on the road watching people pass by and comes back home.

 Family history - 

Not significant 

VITALS(on admission) 

Temp - afebrile

BP - 140/70 mm Hg 

PR - 110 bpm

RR - 20 cpm 

GRBS - 49 mg/dl 

General physical examination - 

The patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time, place and person. 

Pallor is seen 

B/l pedal edema upto knee is seen 

No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing and lymphadenopathy 

Systemic examination - 

CVS - S1, S2 heard, no murmurs 

Respiratory system - NVBS , position of trachea - central 

Abdominal system - scaphoid shape, soft and non tender, no organomegaly 



ABG - 



RFT - 



Serological tests- 

HBsAg - negative A

nti HCV Ab - negative 

HIV 1/2 - negative 

Fasting blood sugar- 106mg/dl 

Post lunch blood sugar(PLBS) - 133 mg/dl 

Provisional diagnosis -

Chronic renal failure with (?) Diabetic nephropathy

Treatment -underwent dialysis on 13-3-22 in the morning 


Tab PAN40 




On routine hemodialysis 


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